Conférence de Liisa Postareff (Häme University of Applied Sciences)
« The relationship between higher education teachers’ approaches to teaching and wellbeing »
Résumé :
This presentation explores recent advancements in research on higher education teachers’ approaches to teaching, with a particular focus on the newly developed Higher Education Approaches to Teaching Inventory (HEAT) and the practical self-evaluation tool HowUTeach, which is designed to foster teachers’ reflection and enhance pedagogical awareness. Additionally, the presentation examines the relationship between teachers’ approaches to teaching and their psychological wellbeing. The findings are based on an ongoing research project that employs multiple methodologies, including experience sampling, physiological measurement of electrodermal activity (EDA) in teaching situations, video-recordings, and traditional self-reports (interviews and questionnaires). The presentation will also discuss practical implications for enhancing teachers’ pedagogical processes and awareness, emphasizing the importance of supporting teacher wellbeing to promote job satisfaction and enjoyment in teaching.
Article en lien avec la conférence :
Postareff, L., Lahdenperä, J., Hailikari, T., & Parpala, A. (2023). The dimensions of approaches to teaching in higher education: a new analysis of teaching profiles. Higher Education, 88, 37–59.
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